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Friday, November 13, 2015

Beef Liver in a skillet

Beef Liver:
Calves' liver is generally preferable over Beef....It is really tenderer and sweeter in flavor...Maybe liver is not very common food for good number of people around the world, yet it has significant amount of protein, vitamins, and iron.
 It is highly recommended for those who suffer from anemia, those who are newly-injured, and those who are in convalescence (recovery period).

1-cut liver while it is semi-frozen
2-cut into very thin slices
3- soak liver slices in a mix of white vinegar, salt, and garlic....
4- set aside for 30 minutes-1 hour
5- throw out released liquid.

1- heat a skillet with two tablespoons of canola oil (or any other cooking oil)
2- place few slices of liver on the heated skillet.
3- add slices of green, red, or yellow pepper meanwhile

4- cover with a lid for 7 minutes

5- remove the cooked slices using a fork into a big plate furnished with ground parsley.
6- repeat till the full amount is done.

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